Evaluating Charitable Organizations in Buckhead, GA

Charitable Organizations BuckheadThere is certainly no shortage of charitable organizations in the Buckhead, GA, area, so how do you know which one to donate to? There are a lot of factors that you can consider when evaluating charities, and some of the reasons that you might choose one charity over another include proximity to your home, convenience of donating, or the cause that the charity supports. Regardless, it’s a good idea to learn about the charity you donate to before making a contribution so that you can be sure your donations are going to the right place.

Below are a few points you may want to consider when evaluating charitable organizations in Buckhead:

  • Is the charity operated locally, or is it a national charity?
  • Does the charity only accept monetary donations, or do they also accept used items?
  • What type of charitable work does the organization do?
  • How accessible is this charity? Is it easy to donate to?
  • Is it easy to contact this charity? Is there a call center or representatives that I can speak to if I have questions?
  • Are my contributions to this charity tax deductible*?

If you are a resident of Buckhead, GA, or one of the surrounding communities and would like to donate used clothing and household items to a local organization, American Kidney Services (AKS) may be a good fit for you. We are a qualified 501 (c)(3) charity that collects donations to support the American Kidney Fund, which offers direct financial assistance to patients suffering from chronic kidney disease. We offer many convenient ways for you to donate, including our storefront donation center, hundreds of donation drop boxes (click hereto find a drop box near you), Value Village thrift department stores, or you can take advantage of our complimentary donation pickup service.

To learn more about how we stand out from other charitable organizations in Buckhead, Georgia, or to put your name on our pickup list, contact us at 770-441-2220 or fill out our online form.

*To the fullest extent allowed by law