Donate to a Charity in Stockbridge, GA – AKS Picks Up Used Clothing & Housewares for Free

charity_stockbridgeAmerican Kidney Services (AKS) is a charity in the Stockbridge, GA, area that welcomes your donations of used clothing and household items. These generous contributions help us support the American Kidney Fund (AKF), a nonprofit health organization that provides direct financial assistance to people suffering from chronic kidney disease. In addition to offering grants to patients, AKF also strives to raise awareness about the causes and risk factors of kidney disease so that residents of Georgia can stay healthy.

AKS is proud to work with AKF because this charity has accomplished so much in the battle against kidney disease, such as:

  • In 2010, AKF was able to offer treatment-related financial assistance to more than 101,000 dialysis patients throughout the nation.
  • Campaigns to promote public awareness about kidney disease reached more than 13 million people, and nearly 2 million pieces of educational health literature were distributed.
  • Nearly 13,000 people in 18 cities throughout the country received free kidney disease screenings.

To request a free donation pickup in Stockbridge, Georgia, from our charity, call 770-441-2220 or sign up online and an AKS representative will contact you when weekday donation collections are being scheduled in your area. You can also donate 24/7 by bringing your tax-deductible* donations to our storefront donation center in Atlanta or our drop boxes located throughout the metro area. Local Value Village thrift department stores also accept donations on our behalf of our charity, including the Stockbridge location at 31 Highway 138 West.

*To the fullest extent allowed by law